Miracle twins Ellie and Daisy leave hospital
Fraternal twins Ellie Violet and Daisy Florence Fenech have been discharged from the Wesley Hospital after spending four weeks in the special care unit.
Born eight weeks premature and weighing in at only 1678 and 1662 grams respectively mum Courtney and dad Sam are delighted to bring their little girls’ home to meet their big brother Lewis.
The family have been staying at the Wesley Hospital since the girls were born on 21 August when mum Courtney came into the hospital experiencing pelvic pain.
“I had been experiencing pelvic pain throughout my pregnancy so I came into hospital to be checked out, not long after that I went into labour,” Mrs Fenech said.
“The girls were delivered and they looked so tiny and fragile, for the first twelve hours of their lives they were on the CPAP machine in the special care nursery helping them to breathe.

“Fortunately, they responded very well to their treatment and were taken off the machines the next day – we have spent the last four weeks in the special care nursery and the girls have continued to grow and thrive.”
Courtney explained it has been hard to juggle a toddler at home and babies in special care at the same time.
“He is still too little to fully comprehend what is happening, we have tried to keep Lewis away from the nursery as we are terrified of him brining in germs and making them sick,” Mrs Fenech explained.
“Fortunately, we have been able to face-time with him so he can see his sisters from a safe distance and I am sure once we are all at home together he will be the best big brother.”
Paediatrician Dr Bruce Lewis cared for the twins while they were in the special care nursery and said babies born as early as Ellie and Daisy have a high chance of going into respiratory distress.
“I called my colleague Dr Karen Lim who came in on her day off so we could ensure each twin had their own senior paediatrician and neonatal care team,” Dr Lewis said.
“Once the twins were born they were put on oxygen and we safely expanded their lungs, their progress was nothing short of remarkable as they each began to breathe independently in the first few days of life.
“Since then the care team has supported Courtney to express milk and feed the twins who have continued to put on weight and take a bottle. They are strong and well enough to go home with Courtney and it’s a fantastic result.
“We are so pleased to be able to offer such a specialised service for premature babies here at the Wesley.”