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Keeping 5,000 kg of medical equipment from landfill: Meet The Wesley Hospital Sustainability Champion Clayre Gerrard
Embracing Compassion: A Glimpse into the Palliative Care Journey with Mandy Cleasby at The Wesley Hospital
Meet the Incredible IV Cannulation Team at Wesley Hospital
Exploring Occupational Therapy Beyond the City: Ella's Journey in Hervey Bay
Specialised Lymphoedema Oncology Clinic: A Comprehensive Approach to Cancer Care
This (screening) life
A Remarkable Journey 45 Years of Dedication and Growth
A Remarkable Tale of Triumph from Prematurity to Prep
Career Trackers Intern Zoe Wildman Embarks on Inspiring Nursing Journey at Wesley Hospital
Embracing Tomorrow's Doctors: The Wesley Hospital Opens Its Doors to New Medical Students
Finding Strength and Support: Alicia Jonkers' Journey with Choices Cancer Support Centre
Home for Christmas: Andrew's prostate cancer journey
This (screening) life
The Healing Power of Art
The Wesley Hospital Makes History: First in Queensland to House Three Da Vinci Robots
This (screening) life
Understanding Ovarian and Cervical Cancer: Insights from Dr Rhett Morton
Volunteer Lyndie brings delight as a Compassionate Companion
Volunteers put their hearts into art collection
Wesley Emergency specialist awarded Australian Operational Service Medal
Wesley Hyperbaric marks 20,000 dives
Wesley Waste Warriors step up for sustainability
A Heartbreaking Christmas Wish – Terminal Cancer Patient Samson Olorunfemi's Final Days with Family
Braveheart volunteer Carolyon shares lived experience with cardiac patients
Baby Audrey Going Home: A Bittersweet Departure from the Special Care Unit
Celebrating 30 Years of Dedication: Kerrin Houston's Remarkable Journey at The Wesley Hospital
Farewell to Dr Lisa Erzetich: Celebrating 32 Years of Service at the Wesley Breast Clinic
Honouring a Decade of Dedication: Professor Bala Venkatesh's Farewell
Supporting passion and leadership outside the hospital
The Wesley Hospital Choices Cancer Support Centre Celebrates 25 Years of Unwavering Dedication
Wesley Hospital Unveils State-of-the-Art Central Sterilising Services Department (CSSD)
Celebrating 60 Years of caring for Brisbane’s premature babies
Celebrating Pastoral Care Week: Honouring Our Hospital's Spiritual Care Providers
Courageous Breast Cancer Survivor, Melissa, Inspires Hope and Awareness during Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Empowering Journeys: Melissa Campbell's Innovative Support Program for Cancer Patients
From Scrubs to Swimmers: The Surgical Team Saving Lives Beyond the Operating Room
Have you heard about Broken Heart Syndrome?
Improving Nutrition Outcomes
Murgon Women Unite for Over Three Decades in Annual Breast Screening Tradition
Registered Nurse Rachael Priest Awarded Diabetes Nurse Bursary to Improve Patient Outcomes
Simon’s brain cancer journey
Understanding Glioblastomas
Why we feel pain
World Breastfeeding Week
Dr Kelly Stanton – General Cardiologist
From The Wesley Hospital to Canberra
Ivy striving for success in health and aged care
Shining a spotlight on sarcoma
Supporting cancer patients during treatment
Anthony flourishes in the Day Treatment Unit
Farewell to Stacey Hatton
International Nurses Day
Karli celebrates five years of her daughter Tilly
“Never ignore the warning signs” says Kat after being diagnosed with bowel cancer
Raising Awareness of Bowel Cancer with Dr Carina Chow
Shining a light on Kidney Disease in Australia
Stomal Therapy Awareness Week
Supporting patients with Coeliac Disease
Tony’s battle with Bowel Cancer
$20 million theatre expansion at The Wesley Hospital nearing completion
20 years as a Wesley volunteer: Arthur Walters
20 years at The Wesley: Ron Patterson
2015 Helena Goldie Project team return
500th procedure using Mako robotic technology
A breast cancer diagnosis at 30
A family affair for Wesley volunteers
A life of dedication: Bau Earle
A lifetime of memories
A love of nursing
A matter of life or death
A passion for sustainability
A special thank you
A thought for the day
Access to The Wesley Hospital in adverse weather conditions
Acute stroke unit admission favours positive outcomes
Adapting to life with diabetes
Advent and the significance of waiting
ANZAC Day: Caring for paediatric refugees through COVID-19
Art appreciation
Australian first for the Wesley Hospital’s Centre of Excellence
Australian first: Wesley Hospital acquires new generation surgical robot
Back to the future: Ten years of Robotics at The Wesley
Behind the scenes in CCT
Braveheart Volunteer Carolyon
Breaking down myths and misconceptions around pregnancy
Breakthrough MRI lymph node cancer research launched in Brisbane
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Focus on Early Detection
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Why breast screening and awareness is best
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Screening remains a vital tool for early detection
Brisbane doctors tackle the affordability of healthcare at Q&A
Busting the myths about prostate cancer
Caitlin shares what life is like as an Orthopaedic Nurse
Special Care Unit Baby Starts Prep
Caring takes its toll - working with the dying
CCT nurse Brooke's heart is set on cardiology
Celebrating ten years of robotics at The Wesley
Claire's story
CLEM7 to become KIM7 for a day to support cancer care
Compassionate nurses ackowledged for hard work
Congratulations to 2015 Wesley Bursary Program recipients
Corina facing her second battle with breast cancer
Couple gifts camera for parents of stillborn children
Creating Disability Friendly Healthcare Environments
Dedicated "vollies" recognised for six decades of service
Dietitians make a difference
Doctor awarded for outstanding COVID-19 preparation
Dynamic Medical Duo Returns from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Everything you need know about benign prostatic hyperplasia
Farewell Dr Leigh Atkinson: a pioneer of pain management at The Wesley
Farewell to Dr Bruce Lewis
First TAVR procedure at the Wesley brings hope for high risk cardiac patients
Flu vaccinations essential for pregnant women
Former journalist finds passion in nursing
From intern to job coach for the next generation
From wheelchair to walking
Generosity helps save lives
Governor of Queensland opens Wesley operating theatre complex
Have a sustainable Christmas
Health Minister makes $1.3 billion drugs announcement at the Wesley
Helena Goldie Project 2016 Trip blog
Help increase the survival rate of premature babies by almost 70 per cent
Helping patients live the best life they can
Hospital chimes signal birth of great grandchild
How physiotherapy helps patients in palliative care
Hybrid theatre and $20 million upgrade put The Wesley Hospital at forefront of operating theatres in Queensland
ICU Doctor’s COVID-19 prayers answered
Improving outcomes for prostate cancer patients
Improving outcomes of patients with bronchiectasis
Innovation and Excellence Recognised Across UnitingCare Health
International Day of the Midwife
International Patients Service spans the Pacific
Ipswich community mourns loss of mother, grandmother, matriarch Gaye Anderson
James Houston appointed Director of Medical Services
JPs at the Wesley
Keeping patients safe through thermal imaging technology
Leading Wesley intensive care specialist at the helm of the College of Intensive Care Medicine
Leanne on 'leaving a legacy'
Len walks out of hospital 110 days after being told he would never walk again
Let Us Know launches at the Wesley
Letters to our Healthcare Heroes
Meet Clinical Nurse Manager of the Wesley Emergency Department, Fiona Frew who has been working at the Wesley Hospital since she moved here from Melbourne in 1997.
Living longer with internal radiation
Maggie the Cow helps sick kids at the Wesley look on bright side
Manograms on the menu at the Gambaro Prostate Cancer Care fundraising lunch
Marjorie's story
Meet The Wesley Hospital Volunteer of the Year
Wesley Volunteer Barbara honoured for service during natural disasters
Memorial Service: remembering your loved one
Men fall behind in fight against cancer
Midwife Jenny
Milestone achieved for Wesley Hospital’s Centre of Excellence
Miracle twins Ellie and Daisy leave hospital
Mums & Bubs Postnatal Exercise Classes
National Volunteers' Week - Betty Gilbert
Need for palliative care continues to grow, says Wesley expert
New arrivals at the Wesley Hospital: A look at birthing suite upgrades
New Federal Health Minister makes first visit to the Wesley
New program emphasises ability, not disability
New smoking rules on all UnitingCare Health hospital campuses
New sponsor for Brisbane Capitals Women’s team
New Wesley Kids playground to help make healing fun
No one needs to die alone: End of Life Compassionate Companion
Nursing hearts back to health: Lyn Smith
Off-duty Wesley doctor saves 3-year-old who drowned
Orthopaedic Enhanced Recovery Pathway 2014
Our Patient Safety Statistics Shared Online
Our team behind-the-scenes
Our third Reconciliation Action Plan has launched!
Palliative care under the spotlight at UnitingCare Health Q&A
Paving the way for generations to come
Post-treatment health education program improves quality of life for breast cancer patients
Pre-admissions Clinic celebrates 20 years
Pregnant bellies and social no-nos
Preventing Malnutrition in Hospital Patients
Prominent Wesley surgeon recognised in Queen’s Birthday honours list
Providing Compassionate End of Life Care
Q&A’s Tony Jones to explore the ‘ignored issue’ of palliative care
Queensland cardiologists perform state-first heart valve replacement surgery
Queensland cardiologists perform world-first heart valve replacement
Queensland Rail advises of Christmas track closure
Queensland-first surgery on a heart failure patient
Rachel Oxford, Queeensland's first dedicated Prostate Cancer Support Nurse
Repurposed car helps patients get safely back on the road
Retirement take two for Wesley nurse of almost four decades
Richard Royle is new President of Australian Private Hospitals Association
Room Service
Roslyn celebrates 25 years of giving back
Sean Hubbard appointed General Manager of The Wesley Hospital
Senior Wesley doctors recognised at awards dinner
Sewing to save our medical heroes
Singing for charity
Special Care Nursery reveals a special connection for Wesley mum
Special Care Unit Baby Starts Prep
Spreading joy in challenging times
St Stephen’s website wins international award
Stay up-to-date when your loved one is in hospital
Structural Heart Team performs pioneering heart valve operation
Students become Wesley interns for a week
Students swap their school uniforms for theatre scrubs
Sue's story
The art of distraction
The Coming of the Light Celebrations
The Ordination of Reverend Julie Mackay-Rankin
The road to recovery after breast cancer surgery
The role of an OT: rebuild, recover, reengage
The season of waiting
The Spirit of Wesley
The Wesley Art Curators
The Wesley continuing to reduce risks of legionella
The Wesley Hospital celebrates 40 years of caring for the community
The Wesley Hospital expert gives top tips for running
Theatre Nurses Tierny and Matt
This October be Breast Aware
TongaCare thank Wesley for giving Viola Maka a new heart
Transplant unit celebrates 20th anniversary
UCH Executive Director on National eHealth Committee
UnitingCare Health joins global network of green and healthy hospitals
UnitingCare Queensland CEO wins 2014 Telstra Business Women of the Year
Urban Sketchers capture Auchenflower beauty
Vale Clarence 'Clarry' Arbuckle
Vale Dorothy ‘Joan’ Webber
Vestibular Physiotherapy
Volunteer Christmas Party
Volunteer of the Year 2019
Volunteer offers care after her own experience
Volunteering - Where the Heart is
Welcome Director of Operations, Bronwyn Whelan
Wesley among first in world to provide proactive insulin pumps for diabetics
Wesley Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
Wesley Choices Program Expanded
Wesley ED team looking snappy after Crocs donation
Wesley Emergency Centre starts trial for new respiratory diagnostic app
Wesley Emergency Centre tops the list
Wesley Emergency Centre upgrade makes it Brisbane's largest private emergency department
Wesley Emergency’s top tips for a safe summer
Wesley Hospital delivers second life changing surgery for Vascolynna from Papua New Guinea
Wesley Hospital Launches Vulnerable Inpatient Program
Wesley Hospital Opens Queensland’s First Long COVID Clinic to the Public
Wesley Hospital Staff Clean Hands in Global Relay
Wesley hosts leading specialists
Wesley Maternity patients get extra support at home
Wesley Maternity’s 30th Birthday delivers a special surprise
Wesley Mother + Daughter, Annelise and Simone
Wesley Mother + Daughter, Shona and Dom
Wesley offers support and treatment for bowel cancer patients
Wesley Orderly Team
Wesley palliative care patients benefit from $10,000 Rotary donation
Wesley Remembers 2022 Floods One Year On
Wesley Shines at the Full Circle Awards
Wesley surgeons break new ground in robotic surgery
When to see a Women's Health Physio?
Why palliative care is more than you think
Why yellow?
World First Trial Offers Hope for Brain Cancer Patients
World-first study shows MRI technique improves diagnosis of life-threatening prostate cancer
Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Bev
Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Julia
Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Kalpana
Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Mira
Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Sam
Quality of care
Child Safe, Child Friendly
Clinical governance
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Our patients' experience
Patient rights
Voluntary Assisted Dying
Water management
Wesley Research Institute
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