Wesley Hospital Unveils State-of-the-Art Central Sterilising Services Department (CSSD)

The Wesley Hospital is proud to showcase the brand-new cutting-edge Central Sterilising Services Department (CSSD), marking a significant milestone in advancing healthcare infrastructure.
Following an extensive eight-month upgrade, the Wesley Hospital CSSD now stands as the largest sterilising department in a Queensland private hospital, encompassing an impressive 500m², nearly doubling the size of its predecessor.
The Wesley Hospital CSSD plays a critical role in sterilising over 5 million theatre instruments annually, supporting more than 25,000 surgical procedures.
With a dedicated team of 38 clinical experts, the department ensures the highest standards of sterilisation, contributing to the hospital's commitment to patient safety.
The CSSD incorporates cutting-edge technologies, including ultra-high-level UVB light and advanced washing and drying machines nicknamed the "Dragon" and "Tiger” and “Just KEN.”
In addition to the new CSSD, the project has also delivered 4 patient holding bays to the adjacent theatres and a brand-new rooftop chiller to service the facility.
There are also state-of-the-art height-adjustable sinks and benches with monitors as the facility prioritises ergonomics and efficiency.
These innovations are particularly crucial for procedures such as spinal surgery and scoliosis correction which can demand the most pieces of equipment, far beyond any other routine surgery.
Wesley Hospital General Manager Jason Burton said, “These elements have become integral to the hospital's mission for quality healthcare and operational excellence, supporting the seamless workflow of the CSSD team.”
“The new CSSD is designed to future-proof the hospital for increased surgical capacities now and in the years ahead.
“This space signifies a new era in our commitment to excellence and innovation in healthcare. We're excited about the future possibilities for our hospital and the broader community.”
Jason also noted that special recognition must go to key contributors, including Clinical Nurse Manager Liz DeGoede who has managed this project so seamlessly.
“Undertaking construction in a live hospital environment is exceptionally challenging. Establishing a CSSD adds a unique layer of complexity for the staff involved, serving as a project coordinator, Liz made significant contributions to the seamless stakeholder consultation process,” Jason said.
“Thank you also to Director of Perioperative Services Justine Jones, CSSD Manager Michelle Campbell. Level 4 (4W, 4C, HIU) and 2WP, Engineering, Food Services, and Security Teams for their invaluable roles in this transformative project.
“This project has seen the successful delivery of a state-of-the-art and compliant CSSD that has enhanced the operational functionality of the existing department and is future-proofed for further expansion.
“The project has delivered to The Wesley a suite of new major medical equipment capable of washing, disinfecting and sterilising hospital instruments and devices very quickly and efficiently.”