Special Care Unit Baby Starts Prep

Wesley Mum Chiara will be sending her five-year-old daughter Valentina to prep next week, this is an emotional milestone for Chiara because her daughter was born four weeks premature and cared for in The Wesley Hospital, Special Care Unit.
Chiara is no stranger to The Wesley Hospital, Special Care Unit as her first daughter, seven-year-old Liliana also spent time in unit when she was born premature as well.
“It was a very daunting experience but because I had experienced the unit before with Liliana I was slightly more prepared,” Chiara said.
“While Valentina did need some interventions shortly after being born, she continued to grow and feed well putting on weight and was out of the unit in a shorter amount of time than Liliana.
“I am so proud to see her starting school this year, both of my girls make me so proud, they are strong, they are resilient and they have fire.”
Clinical Nurse Manager of Maternity and Special Care Services Noeleen Noon said 1 in 10 babies are born premature.
“For women who have had one premature baby the chance of their second child coming early are approximately 35% higher than other births,” Noeleen said.
“Our team in the special care unit are always delighted to see the children we have cared for over the years reaching significant milestones.”
The Wesley Hospital has a dedicated 11-cot Special Care Unit caring for babies born from 32 weeks gestation.