Information for health professionals

Regular breast screening is important in the early detection of breast cancer, which can lead to better outcomes. At the Wesley Breast Clinic, we have two clinic options for your patients.

At the screening appointment, your patient will be given their results and a recommended time for their next mammogram. If an abnormality is found, we usually offer further examinations a little later the same day.

Make a referral

GPs may refer patients directly to the Wesley Breast Clinic on phone: 07 3232 7202 or fax: 07 3217 8840.

Wesley Breast Clinic referral templates

The Wesley Hospital Medicare Documents contain documents that are intended to be downloaded straight into GP Practice software.

Imaging services

We use the latest in mammography technology, including 3-D tomography. Learn more.

We use ultrasounds to provide further diagnostic information if an abnormality is noted. Recent clinical research has shown women with extremely dense breast tissue (volpara 4 on mammogram) require an ultrasound in addition to their breast screening. Learn more.

Breast MRI does not replace mammography or ultrasound, but is a complementary imaging technique. The Wesley Breast Clinic has been performing Breast MRI since 2008.

Indications for Breast MRI

The following clinical scenarios are accepted indications for breast MRI:

  • Evaluation of patients with breast implants.
  • Follow up of patients with treated breast cancer.
  • Evaluation of patients diagnosed with breast cancer (multifocality).
  • Screening of women at high risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Evaluating patients with factors complicating non-MRI imaging (eg dense breasts, diffuse pathology).
  • Screening for primary cancer in metastatic presentations (search for an unknown primary cancer).

Patients at high risk

  • Patients with a lifetime risk of 20-25% or above.
  • BRCA1 of BRCA2 gene carriers.
  • First-degree relatives with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene.
  • Breast cancer-related syndromes (Li Fraumeni, Cowden syndrome).
  • History of thoracic irradiation as a child.

We will assess whether your patient needs up-to-date imaging with mammography or ultrasound prior to the breast MRI examination. Occasionally additional imaging with targeted ultrasound or mammography will be obtained subsequent to the breast MRI examination.


At The Wesley Breast Clinic, we can perform the following procedures for your patient.

A thin needle is inserted through the skin into a breast abnormality to collect a sample in order to make a diagnosis.

Our core biopsies are performed by a trained clinic doctor, radiographer and breast care nurse, using ultrasound or mammographic guidance. Learn more.

A vacuum-assisted core biopsy is a similar procedure to a core biopsy using a vacuum-powered instrument. Under local anaesthetic a small incision is made in the skin and the needle inserted. When the samples have been taken a small titanium marker (3mm) may be inserted into the breast via the biopsy needle. This is so the area of abnormality can be identified at a later date if surgery is required. If inserted, the biopsy marker is safe, cannot be felt and does not need to be removed.

If a lesion is identified on MRI requiring tissue sampling, we will first try to locate the lesion using targeted ultrasound or mammography. If it can be localised in this way, fine needle or core biopsy will be performed. If the lesion is only visible on MRI, we will recall the patient for MRI-guided biopsy.

If your patient requires surgery but their breast abnormality cannot be felt by examination of the breast, the surgeon will request the area be marked using a fine hookwire. This guides them to the area of abnormality. The procedure is usually done on the day of surgery and involves a clinic doctor and radiographer or sonographer.

A needle with a fine wire inside it is inserted into the breast, guided by ultrasound or a mammogram. When the needle is in place, through the area to be excised, the needle is withdrawn, leaving the wire behind. The wire has a hook on the tip, which hooks into the tissue and will not move.

The wire protrudes from the breast when the procedure is completed. A mammogram is then performed to demonstrate the position of the wire in the breast. The surgeon will use these films in the operating theatre. When the procedure is complete inpatients will be escorted by Breast Clinic staff to the Day of Surgery Unit or their inpatient ward.

Note: The information here is for general reference only. To understand the benefits and risks specific to your condition and overall situation, please discuss any procedure with your treating doctor.

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