Ongoing postnatal care and support

At Wesley Maternity, we have developed several ongoing postnatal support services for our new Wesley families, both in hospital and once you have been discharged.

Going home from hospital

It is anticipated you will stay in hospital for between three and five nights. We will discuss your expected date of discharge with you early on in your stay, so that you and your family can plan for your return home. It is our policy that newborn babies do not leave Wesley Maternity until they are discharged with their parents.

Discharge time is 10am. Please ensure you have your discharge medications (if required), birth registration paperwork, and Personal Health Care Record book (red book).

If your baby is born prematurely, you may be ready to go home before your baby is able to be discharged. Once your baby is ready for discharge from the Special Care Nursery, you will have the opportunity to room in together for one or two nights before going home.

Safe baby travel

Please ensure that an Australian-standard approved car restraint/seat is correctly fitted for your safe journey home. Checking and fitting of car seats will need to be organised prior to your baby’s discharge. Kidsafe Queensland can assist in correctly fitting this safety device (Wesley Maternity does not offer this service).

Wesley Maternity home visiting service

To enhance family support, all new mothers living in the Wesley catchment area are entitled to receive two visits from a postnatal Wesley Maternity midwife in the comfort of your home in the first month following the birth of your baby.

These visits provide:

  • Mother health check.
  • General health and wellbeing advice.
  • Baby physical assessment.
  • Feeding support.
  • Parenting strategies.

Appointments with the Wesley Maternity home visiting service are generally arranged before you are discharged from hospital.

In-Home Lactation Consultant

The Wesley Hospital is proud to offer private home visits with a qualified lactation consultant to support your breastfeeding journey.

Through the Wesley Maternity Home Visiting Service, you can make an appointment to see a Wesley Midwife who is a qualified lactation consultant (IBCLCs) providing you with expert personalised breast-feeding support.

Sessions last an hour and are dedicated to breastfeeding where the consultant will teach you about feeding cues, latching, milk supply and so much more plus answer any questions you may have.

All the Lactation Consultants are registered providers with HICAPS, please check with your individual health insurance provider for your rebate coverage.

For more information or to book a session please call 07 3232 7432.

Support after hours

If you need breastfeeding support after hours the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) can offer over the phone counselling services by trained volunteers. ABA counsellors can be contacted on 1800 686 268 or you can visit their website,

If you are concerned about you or your baby's health please call 000 (triple zero) in an emergency or 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)—qualified staff will provide advice and further support.

Women’s health physiotherapy

Our Women’s Health Physiotherapy Team are here to support you through each stage of your maternity journey. Our experienced physiotherapists have completed extensive postgraduate training in the area of women’s health and exercise.

During your stay at Wesley Maternity, we offer women’s health physiotherapy support after the delivery of your baby. One of our team will visit you on the ward to provide one-on-one assessment, treatment and education after a natural or caesarean birth. Most patients will be eligible for our inpatient services at no charge.

After you go home, the Women’s Health Physiotherapy outpatient clinic provides personalised consultations to help with any of the common problems you may encounter. Consultations include a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan, hands-on therapy, individually tailored exercise programs, pelvic floor retraining, post-birth exercise screenings, advice and education.

Learn more

Baby & Child CPR and First Aid class

CPR Kids and The Wesley Hospital bring you the perfect course to empower you and your family with the life-saving skills of CPR and how to handle the most common First Aid situations affecting babies and children aged up to eight.

In our three-hour course, you will learn how to respond to first aid situations, including choking, burns, head injury and more. With ample hands-on practice with baby and child mannequins, this class will leave you feeling confident to manage an emergency situation with your child.

  • Families.
  • Parents.
  • Grandparents.
  • Friends.
  • Pregnant couples.
  • Anyone who cares for babies and children.

  • Burns.
  • Choking.
  • CPR for babies and children.
  • Drowning response for babies and children.
  • Fever and febrile convulsions.
  • Head injuries.
  • Poisons.

Additional post-class online learning:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Bites and stings.
  • Limb injuries.

  • CPR Kids e-guide, which covers all the topics learned in class plus many more first aid situations that affect children and babies.
  • Poster covering first aid scenarios and CPR flowchart.
  • Fridge postcard overview of DRSABCD, other first aid and important phone numbers.
  • Access to YouTube channel CPR Kids TV so participants can refresh their knowledge at any time.
  • A Certificate of Attendance is sent to all participants after their class.

For more information, class availability and to book, visit the CPR Kids website or contact CPR Kids on 1300 543 727 or Please note: There is a cost involved for this service, which may be covered by some health funds.

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