Wesley Orderly Team

Have you seen our amazing Orderly team around the hospital? The Wesley Hospital has 57 Orderly’s who as a group do an average of 700 tasks each day and individually clock in an average of 15 000 steps per shift.
If the hospital was a person, the Orderly team would be the circulatory system, without them everything just stops.
Acting Orderly Services Manager Junior Paul Williams explains one of the most important roles of the team is responding to Code Blues as part of the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT).
“Our team is trained to perform CPR on patients in an emergency and will do so working in teams, this allows the doctors and nurses to treat the patient medically,” Paul said.
“We have a very broad scope of work and have taken on many new roles and responsibilities since I started working at the hospital 14 years ago.
“The role of Orderly can vary from hospital to hospital and our team has a reputation for being professional, dependable and getting the job done.”
Former Manager Richard Heaslip has also been with the hospital for 14 years and is still working alongside Paul.
“I’m very proud of the work we do, we have implemented some great initiatives into our team and throughout the hospital,” Richard said.
“When I first started there were no female team members and now 30% of our team are women, we have worked hard to make this an inclusive space for them.
“We now have an active role in theatres, working alongside theatre assistants, helping with stock management and you can count on us to move every piece of equipment during a ward change.
“Myself and Paul also lead by example, we work on the floor, shoulder to shoulder with our team, we are incredibly proud of what they do each and every day.”