Wesley Hyperbaric marks 20,000 dives

09 October 2024

Wesley Hyperbaric celebrates 20,000 dives

Wesley Hyperbaric is celebrating it’s 20,000th chamber compression this month, equating to more than 90,000 treatments for patients since opening 26 years ago.  

It’s a major milestone for the clinic which is a leading provider of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and located at The Wesley Hospital.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a specialised treatment that supports patients with a variety of conditions, including chronic wounds, radiation tissue damage, and diabetic foot ulcers. 

By delivering 100 per cent oxygen at higher atmospheric pressure, HBOT enhances the body’s healing process and accelerates recovery times.

Wesley Hyperbaric CEO Aiden Turner said reaching 20,000 chamber compressions, also known as dives, feels like a monumental achievement. 

“It’s a true testament to our team’s dedication and the trust our patients have placed in us,” Aiden said. 

“Looking back on 20,000 dives, we’re not just proud of the numbers. We’re proud of the stories behind them, the patients and families given hope, and the community we’ve built along the way,” he said. 

For many patients, discovering Wesley Hyperbaric has been a turning point. 

Reflecting on her treatment journey, Sarah, a long-term patient, said, “I’d never even heard of hyperbaric oxygen therapy until I was referred here. I feel so lucky to have found it. I was suffering from post-radiation injury, and the staff took such good care of me”.

David, another patient, shares a similar story, “I stumbled across Wesley Hyperbaric when looking into wound care options. I ended up in what they affectionately call the ‘tub’ for my wound. The staff here are incredible, and the sense of community that exists in the clinic really makes my day.”

A unique part of hyperbaric treatment is that it’s often done as a group, with patients undergoing treatments together.

“You wouldn’t expect it, but the connections formed in the chamber are often just as therapeutic as the treatment itself,” Aiden said.  

“Patients go through the process side-by-side, and that shared experience creates a real bond. For many, it’s something that brings comfort during what can be a difficult time in their lives,” he said.

Wesley Hyperbaric is also part of the International Multi-Centre Hyperbaric Data Registry run by Dartmouth University in the United States, which collects and analyses global data on treatments and outcomes. 

“Our involvement in this registry allows us to contribute to a global knowledge of Hyperbaric and it’s uses. It’s about sharing knowledge and improving care for people all over the world,” Aiden said. 

An exciting future lies ahead for Wesley Hyperbaric as the team explores emerging uses for HBOT in treating conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, traumatic brain injuries, and Long COVID. 

“We’re seeing some promising results in these areas. For patients suffering from chronic conditions like Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, HBOT may offer a new pathway to healing,” says Aiden. 

“We’re also exploring its role in helping patients recover from traumatic brain injuries and the lingering effects of Long COVID. It’s still early days, but we’re optimistic about what this means for the future of our clinic and, more importantly, for our patients.”

Wesley Hyperbaric is the only licensed and Australian Council on Health Care Standards accredited private day hospital in Australia specialising in hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

If you feel you’d benefit from hyperbaric treatment, the first step is to consult your doctor for advice. For more information visit Wesley Hyperbaric.


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