Wesley Hospital delivers second life changing surgery for Vascolynna from Papua New Guinea

Duane Agamo(Vasoclynna’s Dad), Michael Kreig, Vascolynna Agamo, Dr Geoffrey Findlay, Maxillofacial surgeon and lead surgeon and Dr John Arvier, Maxillofacial surgeon.
The Wesley Hospital at Auchenflower has delivered a second major surgery for Papua New Guinea national Vascolynna Agamo 15 years after a similar surgery at the hospital.
Vascolynna, 18 was living with a fused jaw that left her unable to eat or speak and has now successfully had her jaw released at The Wesley Hospital by a group of surgeons, including two Maxillofacial surgeons, an ENT and an Anaesthetist.
The Wesley Hospital’s General Manager Michael Krieg said he was pleased the hospital was able to provide the surgery to ensure Vascolynna had the opportunity for this life changing procedure.
“The Wesley Hospital is committed to excellence in medical care, and where we can, we want to provide this high standard of treatment to positively impact the lives of those who need it most,” Mr Krieg said.
A similar surgery was performed over 15 years ago at The Wesley when Vascolynna was just three years old and travelled to Brisbane with her father after being referred by Rotary.
The Wesley Hospital was able to cover the cost of hospital services to enable Vascolynna to receive this critical follow up surgery and again give her access to world class medical care.
Surgeons who provided services
- Dr Geoffrey Findlay, Maxillofacial surgeon and lead surgeon
- Dr John Arvier, Maxillofacial surgeon
- Dr Simon Nasser, Ear Nose and Throat (Orolarngology) surgeon
- Dr Kiron Chakrabarti, Anaesthetist